Green is cool

"Be stylish! Be #eco!"
Brief info

In 2017 Pandora was awarded 1st runner up, being considered the most effective company in Romania in managing and diminishing the amount of waste generated. During the competition the following were evaluating: the environment policy, the auditing, the planning of the waste management. At the same time the ways the amount of waste is diminished from one year to another was analyzed.

Pandora shows a maximum concern towards the Environment through the care for the surroundings – both indoor and outdoor – in all the places that the employees can perform. For this, Pandora started some awareness campaigns along with all the employees and implemented a recycling policy all around the company. In all the offices, factories and canteens there are displayed posters with the “need of recycling” and the reasons why we should keep doing this

In 2017 Pandora was awarded 1st runner up, being considered the most effective company in Romania in managing and diminishing the amount of waste generated. During the competition the following were evaluating: the environment policy, the auditing, the planning of the waste management. At the same time the ways the amount of waste is diminished from one year to another was analyzed.

In 2018 Pandora carried out within the company a free-plastic awareness campaign under the name “Be stylish! Be #eco!”


On 21 st of September 2019, Pandora together with local authorities, in total more than 50 people responded positively to the challenge of collecting the PETs and garbage in the Black Forest from the edge of Rădulești village, Vrancea county. The project “Clean forest is wonderful” gathered, besides own volunteer employees, volunteers from different associations and institutions at the county`s level. Many of the grown ups brought their children wanting to teach them what does it mean leaving in a clean environment. In the end, over 70 bags were filled, which meant at least a ton of garbage.

Collecting plastic in Black Forest – 2019