Comunicat de presă: Finalizarea proiectului „Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice la Societatea Pandora Prod S.R.L.” Pandora Prod S.R.L., în calitate de Beneficiar, anunță finalizarea proiectul „Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice la Societatea Pandora Prod S.R.L.”, cod SMIS 159855,finanțat prin Programul Operațional Infrastructură Mare, Axa prioritară 11: Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice și stimularea utilizării energiei regenerabile la nivelul întreprinderilor, Obiectivul specific 11.1: Eficiență energetică și utilizarea energiei din surse…
Comunicat de presă: Lansarea proiectului „Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice la Societatea Pandora Prod S.R.L.” Pandora Prod S.R.L., în calitate de Beneficiar, implementează proiectul „Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice la Societatea Pandora Prod S.R.L.”, cod SMIS 159855, finanțat prin Programul Operațional Infrastructură Mare, Axa prioritară 11: Măsuri de îmbunătățire a eficienței energetice și stimularea utilizării energiei regenerabile la…
Handcrafted products, the passion of some employees from Pandora Tecuci A ladybug glued to an ornamental basket made of recycled materials in which two chickens made of mohair threads smile funny. What could be more beautiful on the eve of Easter? Such handmade baskets are made by some of the skilled employees of the Pandora Tecuci factory, in their free…
We are aware that we are talking about great things, perceived differently by each of us, but we have tried, over the years, to bring a smile to the face of each member of the great # Pandora team. Whether we are talking about internal events that brought smiles on people s faces or the identification of positions that are…
We continue to present the principles of Pandora’s sustainability strategy. We believe in the definition that sustainable development is “that development that allows our present needs to be fulfilled without compromising the chance of future generations to meet their own needs.” It is also in our power, to protect the environment and to conserve the resources for the joy of…
May you have a fairytale Christmas with all your loved ones, in good health but at the same time with great responsibility!
Almost 750 women were celebrated at Pandora with the occasion of International Women Day! Our men colleagues offered flowers, sweets and delivered the message of the General Manager, Doru Simiz. All women of Pandora are treated equal and have acces to same working conditions and professional development. Delivering happiness is lovely! Photos taken on March 6, 2020.
At the beginning of the year, we are happy to share with you our vision of how we can help maintain a cleaner environment for all of us. For Pandora, this vision will be materialized, in a series of commitments that we will continue to implement with pleasure during the year 2020. What do you say, are we a team…
Ho, ho, ho! Pandora wish you all lovely holidays!
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Vrancea, awarded on Friday the most important companies in the county within the XXVI edition of the “Top of Successful Companies in Vrancea”. During the event diplomas of excellence were awarded to the companies from Vrancea with the best results in recent years. The Top of Successful Companies in Vrancea was achieved by…